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"We can actively categorize stakeholder voice and get the valuable insight!"

Now ASME not only analyzing quantitative data but also actively listen to students' challenges. With Sopact Solutions, ASME gains deeper insights to deliver maximum value to both students and donors.

Key Improvements


Open Responses Analyzed


The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) is a not- for-profit membership organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing, career enrichment, and skills development across all engineering disciplines, toward a goal of helping the global engineering community develop solutions to benefit lives and livelihoods.


ASME being a very large membership organization has multiple programs. Collected data in different departments creates data silos. A large IT team is on board and bring data together for reporting, but departments leaders cannot do that themselves due to lack of technical knowledge and having all impact data at one place.

Data learning capacity at the department level prevents leaders to make data-driven decisions. ASME needed a system that can be used by not very technical team working to execute successful programs. ASME collects very rich qualitative data but never analyze it leaving a large insight on the table from their stakeholders.


  1. Impact Strategy: ASME designed detailed impact strategy with Sopact team and mapped data sources carefully.
  2. Data Integration and Optimization: Data from various sources were integrated using Sopact’s advanced data pipeline.
  3. Impact Cloud dashboard with ALL qualitative and quantitative data.


Empowered program leaders: ASME has program-based dashboards with ALL qualitative and quantitative data to learn from for the internal team without going to IT department.

Deep insight into stakeholders' voice: Now ASME is actively learning from ALL of their data. Qualitative data is bringing very unique insight that was not imagined by ASME team earlier.

For example, they always thought their Scholarship program provides financial assistance to the college students, but after analyzing 100+ open responses (that were never structurally analyzed and categorized before) they learned that students spoke often about ASME scholarship helping them avoiding financial debt and without the scholarship they would not have been able to finish their degree. This insight is huge as ASME wants to bring equity and diversity to the engineering community and being able to help their stakeholders is bringing them closer to their goal.


Let's hear from Lily Le, Impact Director

"Since our previous report to the Board of Governors, ASME has achieved significant advancements in our Social Return on Investment (SROI) initiatives. In this update, we will outline the progress we've made since then and the strategy we propose for moving forward. Sopact has been instrumental in offering us the necessary infrastructure for effective impact measurement." See Details here.

Now ASME not only analyzing quantitative data but also actively listen to students' challenges. With Sopact Solutions, ASME gains deeper insights to deliver maximum value to both students and donors.

"We always collected Qualitative data from our stakeholders but only used them as Impact Stories. We love to see how with new Sopact enhancements, we can actively categorized stakeholder voice and get the valuable insight!"

Lily Le
Impact Director at ASME

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The Steinman Foundation requires a centralized data system to evaluate its STEM Alliance programs' impact, as disjointed Survey Monkey responses hinder effective resource allocation and evidence-based reporting to the Board.