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New approach of nonprofit program evaluation

Make nonprofit program evaluation achievable for even one-person team
Best Practices
Written by
Unmesh Sheth
Published on
April 10, 2020

Finally, a tool that makes nonprofit program evaluation realistic for even a one-person team. Sopact Sense offers ease of use, fast results, and affordability.

Nonprofit Program Evaluation: Embracing the Future

Program evaluation is a critical component for any nonprofit organization. It provides insights into the effectiveness of programs, helps in making informed decisions, and ensures accountability to stakeholders. Traditionally, program evaluation has been a costly, lengthy, and often intimidating process, typically outsourced to third-party evaluators. However, Sopact Sense is revolutionizing this landscape by offering a data-driven, continuous learning and improvement approach to program evaluation. This article explores how Sopact Sense is changing the traditional evaluation paradigm and presents a detailed look at its unique features and benefits.

The Traditional Approach to Nonprofit Evaluation

Nonprofit evaluation has long been associated with extensive timeframes, significant financial investment, and reliance on external experts. These evaluations, often conducted annually or biannually, involve collecting data, analyzing it, and compiling comprehensive reports. While thorough, this process has several limitations:

  • Cost: Hiring third-party evaluators can be prohibitively expensive for many nonprofits, especially smaller organizations.
  • Time: The traditional evaluation process can take months, delaying actionable insights.
  • Complexity: The intricacies of data collection, analysis, and reporting require specialized skills that many nonprofits lack in-house.

These challenges have often resulted in nonprofits struggling to implement regular and rigorous evaluations, hindering their ability to adapt and improve their programs effectively.

Nonprofit Program Evaluation: A Data-Driven Approach

We are witnessing a significant transformation in how nonprofits conduct program evaluations. The new approach empowers organizations to take control of the evaluation process rather than relying on third-party evaluators who often use long and drawn-out framework creation, data collection using personal interviews, costly qualitative analysis using Nvivo and analysis.

By focusing on stakeholders and their voices, and leveraging advanced data collection, integration, and automated analytics, including AI and other advanced techniques, nonprofits can gain faster and more accurate insights.

Platforms like Sopact Sense are at the forefront of this shift, offering key benefits such as understanding crucial questions swiftly and accurately. This approach eliminates the delays associated with traditional third-party evaluations, which often take months or years, by which time the program may have already evolved. Instead, nonprofits can focus on asking effective questions such as:

  • Is the program generating a positive, negative, or neutral impact?

  • What do stakeholders truly want, and do they agree with the program outcomes?

  • What feedback are we receiving from participants?
  • How does Program A compare to Program B?

Nonprofit Evaluation Tool

Sopact Sense tackles the challenges of nonprofit program evaluation by making impact measurement achievable, even for a one-person team. Emphasizing ease of use, fast results, and affordability, Sopact Sense transforms the evaluation process.

The SENSIBLE approach involves a step-by-step methodology that simplifies program evaluation, making it accessible for nonprofits with minimal resources. This fully automated platform allows comprehensive evaluations without extensive hours, data analyst skills, or costly tools.

Step 1: Design Effective Evaluation Questions The process begins with creating tailored evaluation questions to capture the essential insights needed to assess the program’s impact accurately.

Step 2: Connect Data Sources Sense seamlessly integrates with historical data sources like Google Sheets and Sopact Survey data, compiling comprehensive datasets that include both historical and real-time information.

Step 3: Simulate Impact Data Users can simulate impact data using sample data, refining and improving the evaluation questions to ensure their effectiveness in capturing the necessary information.

Step 4: Collect Data Sense streamlines the data collection process, making it efficient and straightforward for nonprofits to gather the required information.

Step 5: Analyze Data After data collection, Sense leverages AI-generated thematic analysis to identify and quantify categories from open feedback. Users can also define custom themes based on their program’s objectives, tailoring the analysis to their specific needs. This analysis is completed in minutes, providing timely and relevant information.

Step 6: Derive Actionable Insights The final phase involves analyzing the data to derive actionable insights and measure performance improvements. Sense offers automated progress tracking, continuously evaluating program success over time. This ongoing analysis empowers nonprofits to make data-driven decisions, adjust their strategies, and enhance their programs continuously.

Through these steps, Sopact Sense enables nonprofits to create evidence-based stories that effectively demonstrate their impact. This comprehensive approach ensures that nonprofits can achieve their evaluation goals efficiently and accurately, even with limited resources.

Program evaluation and data analytics

Most small and medium size nonprofit may lack sufficient skills and capacity for effective program evaluation. However, by identifying key programs and stakeholders, and understanding what we want to learn from them, we can design effective mixed-model survey questions to improve evaluation processes.

The first step is to determine the key programs and stakeholders involved. Once identified, we need to formulate what we aim to learn from them. This leads to the creation of a mix of closed-ended and open-ended questions, possibly including pre and post-evaluation surveys. With Sopact Sense, once these questions are effectively designed, the platform can automatically generate detailed analyses. These analyses include identifying causal relationships between different demographics and conducting pre and post-evaluations with high accuracy, regardless of language barriers. This is achieved through a combination of bottom-up (pattern recognition) and top-down (deductive approach) methods.

Sopact Sense uses advanced AI algorithms to perform thematic analysis, categorizing and quantifying feedback to transform qualitative data into actionable insights. This eliminates the manual effort required for traditional thematic analysis, thereby accelerating the evaluation timeline.

Nonprofits can customize thematic analyses to align with their program objectives, ensuring that the insights gained are relevant and meaningful. This customization allows for a nuanced understanding of program outcomes and areas for improvement.

Automated progress tracking in Sense provides a dynamic view of program performance by monitoring metrics over time. This helps organizations identify trends and make timely adjustments to optimize their impact.

Sense supports multi-language data collection, making it accessible to diverse stakeholder groups. Additionally, the platform generates unique stakeholder IDs to ensure accurate tracking and analysis of participant data.

With integrated campaign and scheduling capabilities, nonprofits can efficiently plan and execute data collection activities, reducing administrative burdens. Sense’s survey tool, designed for both online and offline use, ensures comprehensive and reliable data gathering.

Overall, these features enable nonprofits to improve program outcomes more rapidly and effectively, ultimately helping them to tell an evidence-based story to funders.


Sopact Sense is redefining nonprofit program evaluation by providing a user-friendly, efficient, and cost-effective solution. Its innovative features and data-driven approach empower nonprofits to conduct continuous learning and improvement, making impact measurement a practical reality for organizations of all sizes. By embracing Sopact Sense, nonprofits can leave behind the days of costly, lengthy, and intimidating evaluations and step into a future of fast, affordable, and insightful program assessment.

For more information and to see Sopact Sense in action, watch the full demo on the Sopact website.

FAQ: New Approaches to Nonprofit Program Evaluation

What are the main challenges with traditional nonprofit program evaluation?

Cost: One of the primary issues is the high cost associated with these evaluations. Nonprofits often need to hire third-party evaluators, which can be prohibitively expensive and strain limited budgets.

Time: The evaluation process is typically lengthy, often taking several months to complete. This extended timeline delays the acquisition of actionable insights and the implementation of necessary program improvements, hindering the nonprofit’s ability to respond promptly to needs and opportunities.

Complexity: Traditional program evaluations involve collecting, analyzing, and reporting data, tasks that require specialized skills. Many nonprofits do not possess these skills in-house, necessitating reliance on external experts. This dependency not only increases costs but also limits the nonprofit’s ability to independently manage and understand their evaluation processes.

These challenges underscore the need for more efficient, cost-effective, and accessible evaluation methods that empower nonprofits to conduct their evaluations independently and in a timely manner.

How is the new approach to nonprofit program evaluation different from the traditional method?

The new approach focuses on continuous learning and improvement, leveraging technology to streamline and automate the evaluation process. This method emphasizes real-time data collection, faster analysis, and more frequent reporting, making it more efficient and accessible for nonprofits.

What role does technology play in the new approach to nonprofit program evaluation?

Technology plays a crucial role by automating data collection, analysis, and reporting processes. Advanced platforms can integrate with various data sources, use AI to analyze qualitative data, and provide real-time insights, significantly reducing the time and cost associated with traditional evaluations.

How does continuous learning and improvement benefit nonprofit programs?

Continuous learning and improvement allow nonprofits to make data-driven decisions in real-time, adapt their programs more quickly, and enhance their effectiveness. By regularly monitoring and evaluating program outcomes, organizations can identify areas for improvement and implement changes promptly, leading to better results and greater impact.

What are the advantages of using AI in program evaluation?

AI can automate the analysis of large volumes of qualitative and quantitative data, identify patterns and trends, and provide actionable insights quickly. This reduces the manual effort required for data analysis, increases accuracy, and speeds up the evaluation process, allowing nonprofits to focus more on implementing improvements.

How can small nonprofits benefit from the new approach to program evaluation?

The new approach is designed to be cost-effective and user-friendly, making it accessible to small nonprofits with limited resources. By automating many aspects of the evaluation process, small organizations can conduct thorough evaluations without needing extensive budgets or specialized skills.

What types of data are used in the new approach to program evaluation?

The new approach utilizes both qualitative and quantitative data. This can include survey responses, feedback from stakeholders, program participation metrics, and other relevant data sources. Advanced platforms can integrate data from various sources, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation.

How does the new approach handle multi-language and diverse stakeholder data?

Modern evaluation platforms support multi-language data collection, ensuring that feedback can be gathered from diverse stakeholder groups. This inclusivity helps nonprofits capture a broader range of perspectives and ensures that evaluations are representative of all participants.

What are some best practices for implementing the new approach to program evaluation?

Implementing a new approach to program evaluation involves several best practices to ensure effectiveness and sustainability.

First, it's crucial to establish regular monitoring by implementing continuous data collection and tracking processes. This allows organizations to gather real-time insights, enabling timely adjustments and improvements to programs.

Engaging stakeholders throughout the evaluation process is another key practice. By involving them from the beginning, their perspectives are included, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and ensuring that the evaluation aligns with their needs and expectations.

Leveraging advanced evaluation platforms is essential. These platforms should integrate with various data sources, utilize AI for analysis, and provide automated reporting. This technology not only enhances the accuracy and depth of insights but also streamlines the evaluation process.

Customization is also important. Tailoring the evaluation process to align with the specific objectives and needs of the program ensures that the evaluation is relevant and meaningful. This approach helps in addressing unique challenges and capturing nuanced outcomes.

Lastly, investing in training and capacity building for staff is vital. Equipping staff with the skills to effectively use new evaluation tools and interpret data insights empowers the organization to maximize the benefits of the new approach. This investment ensures that the team can independently manage the evaluation process and make informed decisions based on the data collected.

How can nonprofits get started with the new approach to program evaluation?

Nonprofits can start by identifying their specific evaluation needs and objectives. They should then explore technology platforms that offer automated, real-time evaluation capabilities. Training staff and integrating continuous learning practices into the organization’s culture are also essential steps. Finally, regularly engaging stakeholders and customizing the evaluation process to fit program goals will help maximize the benefits of the new approach.

Learn More: Monitoring and Evaluation

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